giovedì 14 maggio 2020

3 steps to budget your family holiday.

So, all the Corona-thing is settling and fading in Europe; numbers are in the negative trend and people are cautiously re-opening everything again.
Sounds great!

So you allow yourself some self-indulging dreams about the coming holidays.

We did then some readings for you and found out on the economy page of Dave Ramsey some good suggestions:

1. Choose the top places you’d like to go.
On the surface, this may seem the easiest (and most fun) step of all. But it does bring with it some extra questions. Does the budget limit where you can go? Does your destination affect whether you plan it yourself or hire a travel agent? Drive or fly? Make sure to be clear on this one because the more you know, the better you can plan and the more expenses you can anticipate.

2. Set a budget.
The vacation is the finish line. Here, you mark out the steps it takes to get there. Determine how much you want to spend on everything from hotels to gasoline to souvenirs and meals. If you decide something is too expensive, scale it back or cross it off the list. Get your plan in place so you know your plan of attack.

3. Look for deals.
You can find websites all over the internet that can help you score deals on hotels, amusement park tickets, airline travel and so on. Make sure you look for bargains after you set the budget for two reasons. First, once you know what you want to spend, you have a better idea of where you can save. Second, it’s a great morale boost to see that you are coming in under budget (once you have one) when you find a deal.


We went through some blogs and we specially liked the Momshoppingnetwork hints:

All the above will be highly influenced by the ages of your children. Talking about what they like will help you decide if a potential destination will be a good fit.
Think about their interests, hobbies, and activities. Anything and everything that might shed some light and help you decide if your idea is a good idea for everyone.
Another thing to think about when planning is if there is a huge age span between your kids. You'll want to make sure there is something for everyone on your trip.
You want the younger kids to have fun but at the same time don't want to bore the older kids. You might have to have a day where you cater to each age group, and the others will have to patiently enjoy the activity, whatever it may be.

If you want to know more we also suggest you to see our previous blogs:

3 tips for travelling to Italy with children
1 place you must visit outside Rome

Do not miss tomorrow’s blog: Why you should let your Tour Operator to take care of all this, while you relax.

We are RHI, and we care about your time in our country; let's make it worth and pleasurable.

mercoledì 13 maggio 2020

And a FREE e-book for your children.

As this 2020 virus is relenting the grasp on Europe and Asia you are thinking that it is not a bad idea to dream and make plans - at least – about leaving on holidays as soon as you can. So keep in mind these THREE IMPORTANT THINGS:

Photo by Explorica

General sentiment
As you can see in this article from Forbes, there is today  in Europe a sense of normalcy and perspective that seems to be lacking in the United States. "Despite the challenges, it won’t be this way forever," says John Lovell, president of leisure travel and supplier relations and networks at Travel Leaders Group. "Travel and tourism is a highly resilient industry that has come back again and again from diseases and natural disasters."
Industry watchers like Lovell predict a quick bounce back for tourism, despite the current doom-and-gloom headlines. They point out that travel rebounded quickly after other pandemics and disasters, including 9/11.
"You have to assess your own risk tolerance, take reasonable and prudent precautions, and make smart decisions about your travel," he adds. "Right now, there are amazing travel deals to destinations all over the world."

At the same time, the official Schengen website you are remembered to consider two important points. These are completely appealing to common sense, and do not sound like ominous or discouraging: these are facts.
Your age. The elderly, especially those over the age of 80, are the ones most endangered for complications of the coronavirus disease, whereas ages 10 – 39 have shown relatively low fatality rates (approximately 0.2%). That does not mean that you have a lower chance of infection if you are younger, only that you have a lower chance of the disease becoming fatal. You can still become infected and spread the disease around.
Your medical history. People with pre-existing conditions are also more susceptible to become seriously ill from the coronavirus than those who were previously healthy. If you suffer from any respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, etc., you should reconsider traveling.

Of course in RHI we understand that you are concerned about your children during your  “family time”. So we would like to share – as promised – this little FREE E-BOOK
to talk and explain to your children about this peculiar and demanding stage in their lives.
The book – aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years old – is a project of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, a unique collaboration of United Nations agencies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and international agencies providing mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings.

Stranded in the airport
Google Images
We are RHI, and we care about your time in our country; let's make it worth and pleasurable.

lunedì 4 maggio 2020

And the Marathon begins!

We are back to starting blocks, taking deep breaths and looking ahead.

As in every true sporting competition we are ready and looking forward to the effort, for we know that this is going to be a long endurance test. Not just a sprint but a true performance.

For many people these have been days of isolation and discomfort; for us they have been a moment to prepare, to train, to seek for our weak spots and perfect them, to improve and to develop.

The track field is beautiful, running through amazing landscapes and beautiful art cities; the air is crisp-clean and our friends and families are ready to give it all they can to support.

We have positively profited the available time to personally improve their professional knowledge, to enhance their relationship with our suppliers, to give a more personal touch with our partners,  strengthen knots and consolidating some lose ends.

We are today as prepared as we could be and more than enthusiastic to start over again.

Join us, it is going to be a lot of fun!

We are RHI, and we care about your time in our country; let's make it worth and pleasurable.