martedì 21 aprile 2020

We are soon coming to celebrate with you!

Rome celebrates today the 2.773rd birthday since her fundation.

Rome's birthday celebrations for Natale di Roma include usually the historical re-enactments featuring costumed parades and gladiator fights.

This day, known as Natale di Roma, is the annual birthday celebration and it is based on the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC.

Events are usually centred in the Circus Maximus and include gladiator fights, the traditional founding of ancient the Roman towns when a trench or "mundus" was dug and offerings were thrown into it to encourage the gods to watch over its citizens and the final parade, that usually takes place along Via dei Fori Imperiali, with more than 1,500 costumed participants.

This year the celebrations will be online only; who would have ever thougt that such and Old Lady could be so social!

Soon we will be on the streets again; these days of lockdown will remain a distant memory and Rome will again open her motherly arms to welcome and embrace us all again; just like motehrs do to long gone cildren, gently whispering "you are finally back to Italy, I missed you".

See you soon!

We are RHI, and we care about your time in our country; let's make it worth and pleasurable.

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