martedì 25 febbraio 2020


As we read about European countries closing borders against Italy we need to investigate deeper, without going mainstream on rumors and nonsensical panic.

All countries and everyone has the absolute right to do what they think best for their health.
Abiding to this point it is absolutely normal that Italians traveling from CONTROLLED areas are requested to quarantine wherever they arrive to; wouldn’t you do exactly the same at your own place?
Other Italians are just going around like, French, Germans, Americans, and many more do wile are also dealing with the disease.

1 – Is Italy doomed?
There are no main cities ot touristic attractions  that are dangerous currently.
@theocalitaly shows in the blog a map where you can see how far Venice and Milan are actually from the locked-down areas.

2 - But why so many cases in Italy?
Italian government keeps performing daily hundreds of tests to detect and other related cases; and this is the reason why you became aware of so many cases in our country; it is called prevention. And we are proud to detect in such a large advance the cases. Numbers are big, as our families are, and as our world-famous family gatherings are. Yes, we had fatalities, and we are sorry indeed, but they are statistically below the range and restricted to a certain age and/or medical condition.

3 - So: is it safe to go visit Italy?
I ‘ll use the U.S. CDC words (Centers for Disease Control And Prevention) that state how basic hygiene can totally prevent contagion.
Just that simple.

So, based on the above points we recommend:

1-     Plan ahead your destinations and verify on accountable websites; not just the news.

2-     We Italians like large gatherings; if you do not, just book a quite place: there’s plenty and cozy!

3-     Keep performing your regular hygiene procedures, and…

Enjoy your stay in Italy!

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