lunedì 24 febbraio 2020

I am healthy despite living in Italy and visiting Asia already twice in 2020. Miracle? No.

On the World Health Organization (WHO) official website there is a video about it all; from the beginning till today. It reports some Standard Hygiene Measures, that are not far from a healthy person’s routine: cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing; avoiding intimate contact with those who are showing sick; washing hands frequently. These things should be observed daily by anyone; don’t  we all do, already?

Furthermore on February 21st the Italian State released an official information about its position as follows:, if you are rightfully concerned, keep in mind:

1 – Apply everyday’s hygienic procedures.
               It helps preventing a lot more disgusting things to happen.

2 – Do not go to the black-listed cities.
               Must you, really?

3 – Keep calm and carry on.
               As many other disease, if reported on time, it can be cured.

See you soon!

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